Briefly explain the Bus Interconnection Scheme.


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Bus Interconnection: We know the CPU, Main Memory, and I / O unit are computers. We need some form of connectors for the data to travel between these components, a very critical component of the overall computer architecture.

The parallel lines have joined through a series of (Conducted Wires). Every line have utilized for transferring a series of bits from one component to the other. This has a parallel line known as BUS.


A computer usually has a connection of more than one bus. System Bus is the bus that connects the principal components of a computer. Computers for general purposes have a system bus of 70-100. The system bus has three primary kinds.

 Control Bus of Bus Interconnection

These lines have used to send commands from one component to the next. For example, the CPU will be sending the read command to the main memory of the computer to read the data from the main memory. For example, when the CPU sends the key memory control for the writing of data, the memory sends the recognition signal back to the CPU successfully after data has written, so the CPU is able to move forward to perform more action. The control bus has also used to transmit other control signals like ACKS (Acceptance Signals).

 Data Bus

Data from one component to the other have designated for the system bus 32 or 64 lines. These wires have generally referred to as the data bus. A 64-line Data Bus can concurrently transport 64 bits of information, thus it’s not hard to observe if the width of the bus directly affects the computer’s performance.

 Address Bus

Since we know that several components have connected via the system bus, it has vital that a specific ID has assigned to each component. This ID has known as the component’s address. When a computer component wishes to connect with another one, it can define the target component by utilizing its address with some of the system bus lines. These lines have usually referred to as the address bus.

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