What is the basic Computer Network Security

Computer Network Security

Computer Network Security: In the beginning, the Internet was used for research and development purposes exclusively by the military and universities. Then the data used in transportation via the public transport network fuse together to form the internet. Common people can submit highly sensitive information including their bank information, user and password, personal records, online shopping information, or confidential documents.

Computer Network Security

All security attacks are deliberate, i.e. only if caused deliberately. The risks to security can be broken down into the following categories:

Interruption of Computer Network Security

Interruption represents a challenge to security that attacks access to infrastructure. For instance, a user cannot access his web server or the web server is hidden.


A user’s privacy is affected by this attack. An individual, not the approved person accesses or intercepts the data sent or retrieved by the authenticated original recipient.

The integrity of Computer Network Security

This threat comes when a real person acts as an intruder or a security violator, who accesses services or connects with other genuine users.
No technology can provide 100 percent safety in today’s environment. However, action may has taken to protect data during travel via unsecured internet or networks. Cryptography is the most common method.

Cryptography is a simple-text data encryption method that makes understanding and interpreting difficult. There are several currently available cryptographic algorithms, as outlined below:

Secret Key

Public Key

Message Digest

Secret Key Encryption

There has one hidden key, both sending and receiving. Used for encryption of the data at the end of the transmitter. After encrypting the data, the data has transmitted to the recipient on the public domain. The data packets can quickly have decrypted since the recipient knows and has the Secret Key.

Data Encryption Standard is an example of secret encryption key (DES). In secret key encryption, each host on the Network needs a different key that makes manageable.

Public Key Encryption

Per consumer has its own Secret Key and is not in the public domain on this encryption scheme. Never in the public domain has the hidden key exposed. Each consumer has its own but public key, in addition to the hidden key. Public keys have often published and used for encryption by senders. Using its own secret key, the user can easily decrypt the encrypted files.

The Rivest Shamir-Adleman Public Key Encryption (RSA)..

Message Digest

This approach does not send real files, but rather calculates a hash value and sends them. The other end-user calculates his/her own hash value and compares it with the previous one. When the two hash values have matched, it will be accepted; refused otherwise.

Message Digest example is MD5 haze. The user’s password has usually verified for security with the one that is stored on the server.