What is a linked list in data structure?

Linked List

A linked list is a linear data structure that does not store the members at adjacent memory locations. In the related Links, the components are connected using points. A linked list of nodes comprises basic words, where each node has a data field and a reference(link) to the following node in the link.

Singly Linked List

This is the simplest type of related Link in which every node holds certain information and a reference to the following node of the same data type. The node carries a reference to the following node, meaning that the node stores in the following node address. Only one direction can a single related Links travel data. The picture for the same is below.

Linked List

Structure of Singly Linked List

// Node of a doubly linked list
static class Node
int data;

// Pointer to next node in LL
Node next;

//this code is contributed by ali

Creation and Traversal of Singly Linked List:

// Java program to illustrate
// creation and traversal of
// Singly Linked List
class GFG{

// Structure of Node
static class Node
int data;
Node next;

// Function to print the content of
// linked list starting from the
// given node
static void printList(Node n)
// Iterate till n reaches null
while (n != null)
// Print the data
System.out.print(n.data + ” “);
n = n.next;

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
Node head = null;
Node second = null;
Node third = null;

// Allocate 3 nodes in
// the heap
head = new Node();
second = new Node();
third = new Node();

// Assign data in first
// node
head.data = 1;

// Link first node with
// second
head.next = second;

// Assign data to second
// node
second.data = 2;
second.next = third;

// Assign data to third
// node
third.data = 3;
third.next = null;


// This code is contributed by Ali

Doubly Linked List

A double-related Links or a two-way listed link is a more complicated form of a listed link that has a sequential indicator for the next node and the previous one. Hence it comprises three pieces of data. An indicator for the next node. An indicator for the previous one. This would allow us also to go back through the list. The picture below is identical.

Linked List

Structure of Doubly Related Links

// Doubly linked list
// node
static class Node
int data;

// Pointer to next node in DLL
Node next;

// Pointer to the previous node in DLL
Node prev;


// This code is contributed by ali

Creation and Traversal of Doubly Related Links:

// Java program to illustrate
// creation and traversal of
// Doubly Linked List
import java.util.*;
class GFG{

// Doubly linked list
// node
static class Node
int data;
Node next;
Node prev;

static Node head_ref;

// Function to push a new
// element in the Doubly
// Linked List
static void push(int new_data)
// Allocate node
Node new_node = new Node();

// Put in the data
new_node.data = new_data;

// Make next of new node as
// head and previous as null
new_node.next = head_ref;
new_node.prev = null;

// Change prev of head node to
// the new node
if (head_ref != null)
head_ref.prev = new_node;

// Move the head to point to
// the new node
head_ref = new_node;

// Function to traverse the
// Doubly LL in the forward
// & backward direction
static void printList(Node node)
Node last = null;

System.out.print(“\nTraversal in forward” +
” direction \n”);
while (node != null)
// Print the data
System.out.print(” ” + node.data +
” “);
last = node;
node = node.next;

System.out.print(“\nTraversal in reverse” +
” direction \n”);

while (last != null)
// Print the data
System.out.print(” ” + last.data +
” “);
last = last.prev;

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
// Start with the empty list
head_ref = null;

// Insert 6.
// So linked list becomes
// 6.null

// Insert 7 at the beginning.
// So linked list becomes
// 7.6.null

// Insert 1 at the beginning.
// So linked list becomes
// 1.7.6.null

System.out.print(“Created DLL is: “);

// This code is contributed by Ali

Circular Linked List

A circular related Links holds the pointer to the initial node of the list. While we go through a circular. We may begin at any node and go back. Forth through the list in any direction until we have reached the same node that we started. So there is no start and no end to a circular related Links. The picture below is identical.

Linked List

Structure of Circular Related Links:

// Structure for a node
static class Node
int data;

// Pointer to next node in CLL
Node next;

// This code is contributed by ali2110

Creation and Traversal of Circular Related Links:

// Java program to illustrate
// creation and traversal of
// Circular LL
import java.util.*;
class GFG{

// Structure for a
// node
static class Node
int data;
Node next;

// Function to insert a node
// at the beginning of Circular
// LL
static Node push(Node head_ref,
int data)
Node ptr1 = new Node();
Node temp = head_ref;
ptr1.data = data;
ptr1.next = head_ref;

// If linked list is not
// null then set the next
// of last node
if (head_ref != null)
while (temp.next != head_ref)
temp = temp.next;
temp.next = ptr1;

// For the first node
ptr1.next = ptr1;

head_ref = ptr1;
return head_ref;

// Function to print nodes in
// the Circular Linked List
static void printList(Node head)
Node temp = head;
if (head != null)
// Print the data
System.out.print(temp.data + ” “);
temp = temp.next;
} while (temp != head);

// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
// Initialize list as empty
Node head = null;

// Created linked list will
// be
head = push(head, 12);
head = push(head, 56);
head = push(head, 2);
head = push(head, 11);

System.out.print(“Contents of Circular” +
” Linked List\n “);

// This code is contributed by Ali1

Double Circular

A dubious situation A circular related Link or a circular linked double-way list is a more complicated form of a connected list that contains both the next and the last nodes in the sequence. The difference between the two doubling lists is the same as between the one-bound list and the one-bound list. In the preceding field of the first node, the circulated double-related Links does not include null. The picture for the same is below.

Linked List

Structure of Doubly Circular Related Links:

// Structure of a Node
static class Node
int data;

// Pointer to next node in DCLL
Node next;

// Pointer to the previous node in DCLL
Node prev;


//this code is contributed by ali2110

Creation and Traversal of Doubly Circular Linked List:

// Java program to illustrate creation
// & traversal of Doubly Circular LL
import java.util.*;

class GFG{

// Structure of a Node
static class Node
int data;
Node next;
Node prev;

// Start with the empty list
static Node start = null;

// Function to insert Node at
// the beginning of the List
static void insertBegin(
int value)
// If the list is empty
if (start == null)
Node new_node = new Node();
new_node.data = value;
= new_node.prev = new_node;
start = new_node;

// Pointer points to last Node
Node last = (start).prev;

Node new_node = new Node();

// Inserting the data
new_node.data = value;

// Update the previous and
// next of new node
new_node.next = start;
new_node.prev = last;

// Update next and previous
// pointers of start & last
last.next = (start).prev
    = new_node;

// Update start pointer
start = new_node;


// Function to traverse the circular
// doubly linked list
static void display()
Node temp = start;

System.out.printf("\nTraversal in"
    +" forward direction \n");
while (temp.next != start)
    System.out.printf("%d ", temp.data);
    temp = temp.next;
System.out.printf("%d ", temp.data);

System.out.printf("\nTraversal in "
    + "reverse direction \n");
Node last = start.prev;
temp = last;

while (temp.prev != last)

    // Print the data
    System.out.printf("%d ", temp.data);
    temp = temp.prev;
System.out.printf("%d ", temp.data);


// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)

// Insert 5
// So linked list becomes 5.null
insertBegin( 5);

// Insert 4 at the beginning
// So linked list becomes 4.5
insertBegin( 4);

// Insert 7 at the end
// So linked list becomes 7.4.5
insertBegin( 7);

System.out.printf("Created circular doubly"
    + " linked list is: ");


// This code is contributed by Ali

Header Linked List

A linked list header is a particular form of related Links containing a header node at the start of the list. START will thus not point at the initial node of the list in header-related Links, but START will include the header node address. Below is the picture of the related Links Grounded Header.

Linked List

Structure of Header Linked List:

// Structure of the list
static class link {
int info;

// Pointer to the next node
link next;


// this code is contributed by Ali2110

Creation and Traversal of Header Linked List:

// Java program to illustrate creation
// and traversal of Header Linked List

class GFG{
// Structure of the list
static class link {
int info;
link next;

// Empty List
static link start = null;

// Function to create header of the
// header linked list
static link create_header_list(int data)

// Create a new node
link new_node, node;
new_node = new link();
new_node.info = data;
new_node.next = null;

// If it is the first node
if (start == null) {

    // Initialize the start
    start = new link();
    start.next = new_node;
else {

    // Insert the node in the end
    node = start;
    while (node.next != null) {
        node = node.next;
    node.next = new_node;
return start;


// Function to display the
// header linked list
static link display()
link node;
node = start;
node = node.next;

// Traverse until node is
// not null
while (node != null) {

    // Print the data
    System.out.printf("%d ", node.info);
    node = node.next;

// Return the start pointer
return start;


// Driver Code
public static void main(String[] args)
// Create the list

// Print the list
System.out.printf("List After inserting"
    + " 3 elements:\n");

// Print the list
System.out.printf("List After inserting"
    + " 2 more elements:\n");


// This code is contributed by Ali

What are the three types of Notation?


Notation: In analyzing the time and space complexity of an algorithm. We will never offer accurate numbers to set the time and space that the algorithm requires. Instead of utilizing certain common notations, also known as Asymptotic Notations.
When we analyze an algorithm, we often receive a format that shows the time needed to execute the algorithm. The number of memory accesses, the number of comparisons, the time necessary for the computer to execute the algorithm code. Often this formula comprises insignificant information that does not actually tell us the time it takes.

Take an example, if some algorithms have a T(n) = (n2 + 3n + 4) time complexity, which is a quadratic equation. The 3n + 4 part is negligible compared to the n2 part for the big values of n.


For n = 1000, n2 will have 1000000 while 3n + 4 will have 3004.

In addition, the consistent coefficients of higher-order terms are similarly disregarded. When compared with the execution durations of the two methods.
A 200 n2 the method takes a time quicker than some other n3 time algorithm, for a value greater than 200 n. Since we are concerned solely with the asymptotic behavior of the function growth, we also may disregard the constant factor.

Asymptotic Behaviour

The phrase asymptotic implies to randomly approach a value or curve (i.e., as some sort of limit is taken).
Remember that in high school you study limits, it is the same thing.
The only difference here is that we do not have to find the value of any expression. Where n is near a limit or infinity. But we use the same model in the event of asymptotic notations, to ignore the constant factors. The insignificant portions of an expression and development in a single coefficient. A better way of representing the complexities of algorithms.
To explain this, let’s take an example:

If we have two algorithms that show the time necessary for the execution of the following expressions:

Expression 1: (20n2 + 3n – 4)

Expression 2: (n3 + 100n – 2)

Now we need only worry about how the function will expand. When the value of n(input) increases, and that depends solely on Expression 1 n2 and Expression 2 n3. Therefore we can claim that merely analyzing the most power-coefficient and disregarding. Other constants(20 in 20n2), and inconsequential portions, for which time-run is represented by the formula 2. Will be quicker than the other approach (3n – 4 and 100n – 2).

The key concept to get things manageable is to toss aside the less important component. All we need to do is analyze the method first to get the expression. Then analyze how it grows with the growth of the input(s).

Types of Notations

In order to reflect the growth of any algorithm. We use three kinds of asymptotic. Notations as to the input increase:

  1. The Big Theta Notation (Θ)
  2. The Big Oh Notation (O)
  3. Big Omega Notation (Ω)

Big Theta Notation (Θ)

When we state that the timescales indicated by the large notation are tight. We imply that the time competitiveness is like the mean value or range within. Which time the algorithm will really executed.
For example, if the complexity of the time has expressed in an algorithm by equation 3n2 + 5n and we are using this Big- Tel notation, then the complexity of the time would be the same (n2), disregarding the constant-coefficient and omitting the unimportant component, which is 5n.

This indicates that the time for access to any input n is between k1 * n2 and k2 * n2, where k1, k2 have two constants, and that this means that the equation representing the development of the algorithm has tightly bound.

Big Oh Notation (O)

The top limit of the algorithm or worst case of a method has known as this notation.
It informs us that for every number of n, a given function is never longer than a certain duration.
Therefore, since we already have the large notation, which is a very nightmare for all algorithms, we require this representation. The question is: To explain that, let’s take a simple example.
Consider the Linear Search method for an array item, searching for a specified number one by one.

In the worst scenario, we discover the element or number. We are looking for at the end, beginning on the foreside of the table. This leads to a time complexity of n, where n indicates the number of total items.
However, the element that we look for is the first member in the array, thus the time complexity is 1.

In this case, now, saying that the large-to-band or close-bound time complexity for linear search is a total iv(n). Will always mean that the time needed is related to n. Since that is the correct way to represent the average time complexity. But if we use the great-to-band notation, we mean that the time complexity is O (n).
This is why most of the time because it makes more sense. The Big-O notation has used to describe the time complexity of any method.

Big Omega Notation (Ω)

Big Omega notation has used to define any algorithm’s lower limit. We can tell the best case using any algorithm.
This shows the least necessary time for each method, hence the best case of any algorithm, for all input values.

In simple words, if we are a time complexity in the form of a large-talk for any algorithm. We mean the algorithm takes at least that much time to perform. It can certainly take longer than that.

What is Data Element and why are they important?

Data Element Means

A data element is a data dictionary object in SAP. Data elements may generated and updated using transaction SE11. All data elements live in SE11. Data elements are significant items in the database that specify the semantic properties of table fields, such as online aid in certain areas. In other words, the data element determines how the table field appears for end-users and how it provides users with information when using the F1 assistance button in a table field.

Explains Data Element

Two kinds of data items are available:
Primary elements of data:
Defined by the data type and length built-in values
Reference Elements of Data:
Use reference variables that have mostly utilized in other ABAP objects.

By referencing the TYPE keyword, ABAP applications can utilize data components. Thus, in an ABAP program, the variables might take the features or qualities of the data components referred to.
Before generating new data elements, it has usually recommended utilizing the build of SAP data elements.


Either a component type or a reference type has described in a data element.
The integrated data type, length, and a number of decimal places define a basic type. These characteristics can be either explicitly specified in the component of the material or a domain copy.
A kind of reference determines the types of ABAP variables.

A kind of reference determines the types of ABAP variables.
Input on the significance of a table field or structural component. Information on modifying the relevant screen field may assigned to a component of the material. All screen fields referring to the Component of material are provided with that information automatically. This information comprises showing the field in the input templates with the text keyword, column headings for listing the content of the table (see Labels), and output editing with parameter IDs.

For online field documentation, this is also true. The input template field text shown in the helping field (F1 help) originates from the Component of the material. Input template field See Documentation and Documentation Status for further information.


The column CONN-ID of the SBOOK table corresponds to the data element S CONN-ID. The database component receives its technical properties from the S CONN-ID domain (NUMC data type, length 4). S CONN-ID Data Element provides the technical characteristics and meanings (long text assigned and brief explication text) of the CONN-ID field (and all other fields that refer to this data element).
In the ABAP program with the statement:

a variable with the data element type S CONN ID may defined:


See the image below for a clearer grasp of this scenario.

Data Element

What is a Multidimensional Array example?

Multidimensional Array

A multidimensional array is an array with many dimensions. This is a multi-level array; a multilevel array. The 2D array or 2D array is the simplest multi-dimensional array. As you will see in this code, this is technically an array of arrays. A 2D array or table of rows and columns has sometimes called a matrix.
The multi-dimensional array declaration is identical to a one-dimensional array. We have to say that we have 2 dimensions for a 2D array.

Multidimensional Array

A twin-dimensional array or table can be stored and retrieved with double indexation like a one-dimensional array (column rows) (array[row][column] in typical notation). The number of indicators required to specify an element is termed the array dimension or dimension. int two_d[3][3];

C++ Multidimensional Arrays

The multi-dimensional array has sometimes referred to as a C++ rectangular array. Two- or three-dimensional may be available. The data has kept in a tabular form (row/column), often referred to as a matrix.

C++ Multidimensional Array Example

Let’s examine a basic C++ multi-dimensional pad, where two-dimensional pads are declared, initialized, and crossed.

  1. #include <iostream>  
  2. using namespace std;  
  3. int main()  
  4. {  
  5.   int test[3][3];  //declaration of 2D array   
  6.     test[0][0]=5;  //initialization   
  7.     test[0][1]=10;   
  8.     test[1][1]=15;  
  9.     test[1][2]=20;  
  10.     test[2][0]=30;  
  11.     test[2][2]=10;  
  12.     //traversal    
  13.     for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)  
  14.     {  
  15.         for(int j = 0; j < 3; ++j)  
  16.         {  
  17.             cout<< test[i][j]<<” “;  
  18.         }  
  19.         cout<<“\n”; //new line at each row   
  20.     }  
  21.     return 0;  
  22. }  

Multidimensional Array Initialization

Like a regular array, a multidimensional array can be initialized in more than one method. Initialization of two-dimensional array:

int test[2][3] = {2, 4, 5, 9, 0, 19};

A multidimensional array can be initialized in more than one method.

int  test[2][3] = { {2, 4, 5}, {9, 0, 19}};

This array is divided into two rows and three columns, and we have two rows of elements with every of three elements.

Initialization of three-dimensional array

int test[2][3][4] = {3, 4, 2, 3, 0, -3, 9, 11, 23, 12, 23, 
                 2, 13, 4, 56, 3, 5, 9, 3, 5, 5, 1, 4, 9};

The value of the first size is 2. Thus, the first dimension comprises two elements:

Element 1 = { {3, 4, 2, 3}, {0, -3, 9, 11}, {23, 12, 23, 2} }
Element 2 = { {13, 4, 56, 3}, {5, 9, 3, 5}, {5, 1, 4, 9} }

In each of the components of the second dimension, there are four int numbers:

{3, 4, 2, 3}
{0, -3, 9, 11}
... .. ...
... .. ...

Example 1: Two Dimensional Array

// C++ Program to display all elements
// of an initialised two dimensional array

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int test[3][2] = {{2, -5},
                      {4, 0},
                      {9, 1}};

    // use of nested for loop
    // access rows of the array
    for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {

        // access columns of the array
        for (int j = 0; j < 2; ++j) {
            cout << "test[" << i << "][" << j << "] = " << test[i][j] << endl;

    return 0;

What Is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is the use of the Internet, mobile devices, social media, search engines, and other platforms to reach customers. Some marketing professionals believe artificial monetization to be a totally new effort. That involves a new means of reaching clients and new ways of analyzing how customers behave compared to traditional marketing.

Understanding Digital Marketing

Digital marketing is interactive and targets a certain client base group. Digital marketing is rising with search results advertisements, e-mail ads, and promoted tweets, which includes customer feedback marketing or bidirectional customer-to-consumer contact.
Marketing on the Internet is not digital. Internet advertising is only available on the Internet, but digital marketing can take place via mobile, metro, video, or smartphone applications.

Marketers have generally known in the field of Artificial monetization as sources, whilst advertisers have commonly referred to as recipients. Sources often target very particularly, well-defined recipients. For example, McDonald’s had to spread his message after the late-night hours of several of his sites. They targeted transfers of employees and passengers with digital advertisements, as the company knew they were a major section of their business at late night. McDonald’s urged people to download a new Restaurant Finder app aimed at advertisements from ATM and gas stations and websites frequented at night by customers.

Website Marketing

A website is the focus of all digital marketing. Alone, the channel is extremely strong, but it is also the necessary medium for the conduct of a number of internet marketing initiatives. A website should clearly and unforgettable portray a business, product, and service. It should be quick, mobile, and user-friendly.

Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising

PPC advertising allows marketing companies to access Internet consumers via sponsored adverts on a range of digital channels. Sellers may run on Google, Bing, Linked In, Twitter, Pinterest or Facebook PPC campaigns and present their announcements to individuals looking for products or services phrases. PPC campaigns can segment or even focus on their particular hobbies or location by segmenting visitors on a sociological basis (for example, age or gender). Google Ads and Facebook Ads are the most prominent PPC platforms.

Content Marketing

The objective of content marketing is to contact potential consumers by using content. In general, content has uploaded on a website and then pushed using social media, email marketing, SEOs, and even PPC campaigns. Includes blogs, ebooks, online courses, infographics, podcasts, and webinars.

Email Marketing in Digital Marketing

Email is still one of the best digital marketing platforms in the world. Many individuals confuse email marketing with spam emails, but this doesn’t matter. Email marketing is the method to contact your potential consumers or your brand interests. Many digital marketers utilize all other digital marketing channels to acquire leads to their email lists then construct customer acquisition funnels using email marketing to translate them into customers.

Social Media Marketing

The main objective of a campaign in the field of social media marketing is brand recognition and social confidence. You may utilize it more deeply to obtain the lead, or even as a direct route of sales.

Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing has one of the oldest types of marketing, and this old standby had given new life by the Internet. Influents promote other items through affiliate marketing and receive commissions each time a sale or a lead has carried out. Many well-known firms like Amazon have affiliate programs that sell their items to websites with millions of dollars a month.

Video Marketing in Digital Marketing

It has transformed into the second most popular search engine and before they make a purchase choice, many people resort to YouTube to learn something, read a review or just relax. There are numerous video marketing platforms for running a video marketing campaign, including Facebook Videos, Instagram, or even TikTok. Video companies have the most successfully integrated with SEO, content marketing, and larger campaigns in the social media sector.

SMS Messaging

Companies and non-commercial groups also offer their current deals or chances to eager customers by sending text or SMS messages. Political candidates vying for office also distribute positive information on their own platforms via SMS messaging campaigns. As technology has progressed, many text-to-give initiatives also enable users to pay for or to deliver a simple text message directly.

The Digital Marketing Challenges

The Digital marketing presents its suppliers with particular problems. Digital channels are developing quickly and digital marketers need to remain abreast of how these channels function, Digital marketing needs a marketing approach based on a deeper understanding of customer behavior, the difficulty to capture and use data effectively underlines. For example, a firm may need to evaluate new types of consumer behavior, for example utilizing website heatmaps to find out more about the trip. How recipients use them, and how to promote their products or services successfully using them. It has also harder to catch the attention of receipts because recipients have flooded more and more by rival advertising. Furthermore, digital marketers find it difficult to assess the huge amounts of data that they gather and then use it in new marketing initiatives.

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Discuss classical and modern philosophies in education.

Classical and modern Philosophies

Classical and modern Philosophies: Technology, as depicted in our contemporary mythological story. Jurassic Park, may not necessarily result in great effects if deployed without critical thought, moral grounding, or investigation. From cloning to social networking, understanding the ethical ramifications of a concept. How it will affect people is more important than writing well-designed code.

With current difficulties such as cyberbullying and rising medical costs. A classical education, with its emphasis on philosophy and inquiry. May provide students with the chance to absorb information and develop inventive ideas while exploring topics from a moral perspective.

But how can a concept that has taught for centuries remain relevant? In an education age dominated by iPads and apps? As well as vocations fuelled by the digital economy, automation, and personalization?

Progressivism of Classical and modern Philosophies

Progressives think that education has focused on the complete kid rather than just the topic or the instructor. This educational concept emphasizes the need for pupils to test concepts via active exploration. Learning has anchored in the questions that learners have as a result of their experiences in the world. It is active rather than passive. The learner is a problem solver and thinker who derives meaning from his or her personal experiences in physical and cultural contexts.

Effective teachers give opportunities for pupils to learn by doing. The curriculum is based on student interests and inquiries. Progressivist educators employ the scientific method so that students may explore matter and events systematically and firsthand. The emphasis is on the process of learning. From the mid-1920s until the mid-1950s, the Progressive education paradigm was created in America. Its most ardent supporter was John Dewey. One of his principles was that schools should improve our citizens’ quality of life by exposing them to freedom and democracy. All parts include shared decision-making, teacher-student planning, and student-selected subjects. Books are tools, not authorities.

Classical education gives the intellectual excellence as well as the moral underpinning needed to combat this injustice. It encourages students to investigate the why. How, and who of ideas and decisions in addition to the what, and it fosters the development of young people. Who believe in their ability to improve their own and others’ lives. A classical education, both directly and indirectly, provides a deeper, more permanent preparation for college, jobs, and living a meaningful life by fostering its two guiding principles.

What Exactly Is a Classical Education?

Classical education, which has sometimes misinterpreted as a style incompatible with the modern world, includes more than pencil-to-paper, memorizing, and reading old texts. Classical education, a concept founded in Western history and culture, encompasses both a classical methodology, fostering deep and serious reading and writing within a moral framework, and classical material, such as the study of Ancient Greek and Latin literature, history, art, and languages.

Wisdom is the quality of having knowledge, experience, and good judgment.

Learning how words entered our language, where people originated from, who discussed or battled for what and why, and the significance of religion, art, music, animals, and food in culture all help students grasp current issues and difficulties ranging from science to racism. Students have taught to examine, perceive, and analyze information, as well as to see patterns and find themes that influence their thinking. This method aids in the development of abilities in strategic and analytical thinking, which may be used to create user-friendly software, position a firm for long-term financial success, get support for a meaningful law, or resolve a quarrel with a neighbor.

Embracing technology while teaching ancient lessons

It’s a bit of a contemporary fallacy to imply that classical education shies away from technology, but computers aren’t going to take over the classroom either. Ancient writings are studied in print and online, and libraries and Google are used for research. Technology is investigated as a means of supplementing teachings, and students are prepared to utilize it strategically rather than just because it is the latest and greatest thing.

Define and explain Decisions certainty, risk, and uncertainty.

Certainty Risk and Uncertainty

In making decisions, both managers must consider weighing alternatives. Most of which include future hard-to-predict events. Such as a competitive response to a new price list, interest rates over three years. The trustworthiness and reliability of a newly established supplier in decision-making situations (highly unpredictable).

Certain Decisions:

We have precise, observable, credible knowledge on each option we consider under conditions of certitude regarding our objectives. Consider the director, for example, who has to order festival telling tale programmes. She has well aware of the purpose of having programmes printed. The price quotes for different amounts of programmes easily compared with representative samples of local prints. You should find a printer with this knowledge and know that it would cost you for certain. This detail won’t help her make a harder decision:

How many programmed would she have to order? When taking this action, she must understand how much of the money. She has to spend on ordering souvenirs of high margins such as tea t-shirts. Sweatshirts is not short of programmed. If these circumstances become conditions of danger or instability, the director now transfers from them. Many problems are unfortunately much more prevalent than some conditions.

Risk Decisions:

Risk exists if we cannot with certainty predict the result of an option. However, we have sufficient knowledge to predict the likelihood of it being produced. You have dealt with odds whether you have ever tossed a coin to make a decision or played a wheel. As it has at this time, the director will review the available data to assess. The number of services likely to be expected, albeit with certain risks. If this is the tenth annual storytelling festival held in this area.


The mixture of experts expected the concentration in 1992. When banks from the Bank of America and the Security Pacific fused. But it turned out to unsure what had seen as ‘certainty. The banks have closed combined transactions in more than 450 branches. Other, smaller banks of California took advantage of the chance to improve public safety and branch availability. For example, actor Dennis Weaver used by the Great Western Bank in television ads: used as a bank. It was at work one day. It had gone the next day.

Customers have attracted to a range of tactics by the Bank of Fresno, Redlands Federal, and Sanwa Bank in California. For example, for Sanwa to register new clients, you have to set up sidewalk tables across the street.

Uncertainty Decisions:

Little has understood about the alternatives or their results under situations of uncertainty. Two potential origins give rise to uncertainty. Firstly, managers may confront external factors that are partly or wholly outside their influence. The weather, which is critical for a three-day outside festival.

Second, the manager cannot access crucial information that is equally critical Perhaps. The director has not built a network with another director of the festival. That may exchange relevant information on possible attendance documents of the new festival. Or maybe nobody can foresee the attendance of a new festival in the autumn. Because many families will be involved in school activities or other events.

What is Decision-making? and Tools of Decision-making


Decision-making is an important aspect of contemporary administration. Essentially, the primary role of management is logical or sound decision-making. Any boss, subconsciously or actively, makes hundreds of decisions the main element in a manager’s position. Decisions play a key role in determining both corporate and management practices.

A decision has described as an action course intended for the achievement of organizational or administrative objectives. The decision-making process is an essential factor in the management of every company or organization. Decisions have taken to support the operations and operation of all commercial activities.


Decisions to ensure organization’s or corporate priorities have taken at all levels of management. In order to guarantee maximum development and driveability in terms of resources and goods provided. Decision-makers often form one of the main functional principles that any company takes and implements.

Definition of Decision Making

The word decision-making, which has important in a society or organization. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, has the act of agreeing on something important.

Tools of Decision-making

There are many tools of decision making as given below.

Identify the Decision-making

You know you have to make a choice. Try to describe precisely the essence of your decision. This is a really critical first move.

Gather relevant information

Gather some relevant information before you make your choice. What information has required, how best to obtain it. And how to obtain it. This move entails “jobs” both in-house and outside. Any knowledge is internal. You are going to look for it in a self-evaluation process. Additional material is external. It is available online, in books, from others, and from other sources.

Identify the alternatives

You would possibly find a number of possible ways or alternatives. When collecting knowledge. You should also take advantage of the creativity and supplementary knowledge to build new solutions. In this step, you will list all alternatives that are feasible and attractive.

Weigh the evidence

Make use of the facts and feelings to visualize how things will feel. when both alternatives are implemented. Assess if, using each solution, the need defined in Stage 1 will fulfill or resolved. You will tend to favor those solutions when you go through this complicated internal process: those that seem to be able to achieve your target more effectively. Finally, priorities the alternatives, depending on your own belief structure

Choose among alternatives

If all the proof has been weighed, you are able to pick the right choice for you. You may also choose an alternate mix. It is very likely that your option in stage 5 will be the same or equivalent to the one you put at the end of phase 4 at the top of your list.

Take action of Decision-making

By starting to incorporate the alternate solution you selected in step 5 you are now able to take some constructive steps.

Review the effects of your decision

In this final stage, examine the outcome of your decision to see if they need you found in step 1 has been overcome. You will choose to replay certain procedure steps to take a new decision because the decision did not fulfill the stated need. You may, for example, choose to collect more precise details or something else or look at additional alternatives.

What is a freelancer and how does it work in freelancing


A freelancer is an independent worker who delivers services, frequently working with several clients simultaneously in a number of occupations.
Freelancers normally collect money per job, charging their jobs hourly or monthly rates. Usually, freelance work is short-term.

Although a self-employed person has not legally employed by any corporation, other companies may be subcontracted. Freelancers also work on several different jobs or assignments at once. Although some freelance agreements will constrain with which the freelancer can work before the assignment has completed.

The creative fields, such as graphic design, copywriting, web production, and photographing. There are some of the most traditional freelance jobs; however, freelancers can work in virtually any service industry such as translating, consultancy, or the catering industry.

Freelancer vs. sole trader


The term ‘self-employed’ applies like single traders to the general term. But while a single trader has a special corporate structure registered under the terms ‘self-employed. The word freelancer refers to no particular legal status. It applies instead to the kind of work performed.
Therefore, not all traders are from freelancer definitions, and not everyone is a freelancer. While freelancers have the single trader organization that is most popular. Freelancers can opt to file instead of as a limited corporation or association.

How to become a freelancer

You have first listed as a single trader when you start working by yourself. In order to pay the right income tax and insurance, you would need to register with HMRC as the only trader.
If you work as a contracting company or subcontractor in the building industry, you will even have to apply for: CIS; if you have annual sales of over £85,000 VAT.
You may have extra duties, such as selecting and filing business names, whether you file as a corporation or a limited company.

Pros and cons of freelance work

It is also necessary to assess the benefits and drawbacks of freelance jobs if you are thinking about being a freelance worker.

Any of the benefits of becoming an independent worker include:
Flexible working schedule: you will decide which work hours and set your own schedule for other obligations.
Selection and range: While workers often are told which of their customers to work with, they will choose the projects as a freelancer and have less exclusive to those markets or industries.
More control: you will set your own objectives and have more say in your business.

On the other hand, many inconveniences must be taken into account, including:
Less stability. Many freelancers have less financial protection and less future job certainty than employers because freelancing work requires sufficient customers.
Fewer perks:
certain businesses, such as pension schemes or health plans, owe their workers benefits. Independent employees are accountable for their own advantages and benefits.

Debitoor invoicing software for freelancers

As an independent, one of the most important tasks is to keep your finances on top. You can generate professional invoices, monitor your accounting system, and provide a quick snapshot of your cash balance with Debtor billing tools.

Debtor was primarily designed for the small enterprises, the sole traders and freelancers.

What is the basic operation of Zener Diode

Operation of Zener Diode

Zener Diode Perhaps the reverse voltage rises very quickly in the reverse current of a PN junction. This occurs as electrons have accelerated by the electrical field at the junction to high speeds and generate more free electrons by ionization of atoms. The field, therefore, speeds up these electrons, which induces further ionization. The mechanism of the avalanche leads to a huge current and the intersection has said to have broken down.

However, the disintegration is not harmful until the dissipation of power increases. The temperature to the degree where the local melting kills the semi-conductor. Over a broad spectrum of current, the voltage over the junction remains very stable. This effect has used to preserve the power supply output at the decommissioning voltage.

These PN junctions have referred to as the Zener diodes because of Clarence. Zener first proposed a reason for the sudden rise in current at collapse. Fig. 3-16 has a sharp transfer potential and a smooth current plateau above the breakdown. In the current-voltage curve of the Zener diode. Zener diodes can come from many milliamperes to several amperes with a decomposition voltage.

Figure 3-17 illustrates the way Zener diodes have used to regulate the output voltage of an electricity supply. The output voltage of the supplies shall not control exceed the diode’s zener-breakdown voltage. Then the potential increases to the potential for energy supply. If the load flow increases, the diode current decreases, so the reduction through Rs will still vary from the power supply voltage and the breakdown potential. The controlled output voltage remains constant at the diode breakdown potential, while the power-supply voltage changes under stress.

Zener Diode breakdown

The disintegration is either because of the effects of Zener under 5.5 V or because of ionization of the influence of more than 5.5 V. Both mechanisms lead to the same behavior and do not need any new circuitry, but the temperature coefficient of each mechanism is different.

The Zener impact has a low conductivity while the effect is positive. Both temperature effects are almost identical at 5,5 V and cancel each other such that the Zener diodes are the most stable under a large variety of environments at a rate of about 5,5 V.

Overvoltage protection

If the input voltage rises to a higher value than the Zener breakdown voltage, the current runs across the diode which causes a voltage drop through the resistor. The short circuit opens the fuse and separates the charge from the supply.

Clipping Circuits

AC waveform cutting circuits have used to alter or to form Zener diodes. The clipping circuit restricts or clips off portions of a waveform half or two cycles to shape the waveform.

Zener diode

Zener diode applications

Zener diodes are used as reference components, floating suppressors and in the device and cutting circuit switching for voltage control.