Character List of the importance of being Earnest

The Character List of the importance of being Earnest

The Character List of John (Jack /Ernest)

 Character List of Algernon

Gwendolen Fairfax

Cecily Cardew

Lady Bracknell

 Miss Prism


Rev. Canon Cashuble, D.D

The Character List of John (Jack /Ernest)

The main Character List of the play. Jack Worthing is an apparently responsible young man leading a double life. Jack has known as Jack in Hertfordshire. Where he owns a property. He has named Ernest in London. As a boy, an old man took him up and then turned Jack to his granddaughter. Cecily Cardew found Jack in a hand-sack in the cloakroom of Victoria Station. Jack is in love with Gwendolen Fairfax, his pal Algernon’s cousin. The initials of his name show him to be a Justice of Peace.

The Character List of Algernon

Highlight the action. Algernon has a beautiful, lazy, ornamental, Lady Bracknell’s nephew, cousin of Gwendolen Fairfax. Jack Worthing’s best pal whom he has known as Ernest for years. Algernon has brilliance, wisdom, selfhood, amorality, and delicious epigrammatic and paradoxical pronunciations have given. It invented a fictitious friend, “Bunbury,” an invalid. Whose often awkward or boring social duties enable Algernon to wallow.

Gwendolen Fairfax

The relative of Algernon and the child of Lady Bracknell. Jack. Whom she knows as Ernest is in love with Gwendolen. Gwendolen talks about taste and morals with unspeakable authority. A model of high-mode and culture arbiter. She is intelligent and cultured, cosmopolitan. Gwendolen is fixed on the Ernest name, saying that she would not marry a ma without that name.

Character List of Cecily Cardew

Jack’s ward, old gentleman’s granddaughter who, when Jack was an infant, met and adopted Jack. This is also the character most believable in the game. She was as fascinated with the name Ernest as Gwendolen. But the notion of wickedness was far more intriguing. Rather than the name of the noble one. This notion led her to love Ernest’s brother Jack and concoct a complex romance and courtesy between her.

Lady Bracknell

Snobbish Algernon, mercenary, and aunt of dominion, and mother Gwendolen. Well married Lady Bracknell, and the only objective of her life is that her daughter does likewise. She has a list of “skilled young men” and a ready interview with prospective supporters. Like her nephew, Lady Bracknell makes hilarious statements. But in speeches of Lady Bracknell, where Algernon is witty, humor is involuntary. Through the figure of Lady Bracknell, Wilde manages to satirize. The hypocrisy and stupidity of the British aristocracy. Lady Bracknell values ignorance, which she sees as “a delicate exotic fruit.” She likes to eat with her husband downstairs while she takes a dinner party with the slaves. – The servants. She’s crafty, restrictive, totalitarian, and maybe the most quotable. The main actor the play character.

Miss Prism

The governess of Cecily. Miss Prism is a source of countless pedantic clichés and bromides. She strongly endorses Jack’s perceived respectability and criticizes his “unfortunate” sibling harshly. While pure, the serious pronouncements of Miss Prism encourage amusement and go too far over the top. Miss Prism seems to have a lighter side despite its rigidity. She says that she wrote a book once which had been “lost” or “abandoned” in her manuscript. She also entertains Dr. Chasuble’s love thoughts.

Rev. Canon Chasuble, D.D.

The rector at the estate of Jack. The two approach Dr. Jack and Algernon to ask for “Ernest” to be named. For Miss Prism, Dr. Chasuble has hidden love feelings. Initials after his name mean “Doctor of Godhood.”


The manservant of Algernon. As the game begins, Lane is the only one knowing Algernon’s “Bunburying” technique. In Act I only, Lane emerges.


Manor House butler, the country estate of Jack. The butler. Only in Acts II and III does Merriman appear.

What is Decision-making? and Tools of Decision-making


Decision-making is an important aspect of contemporary administration. Essentially, the primary role of management is logical or sound decision-making. Any boss, subconsciously or actively, makes hundreds of decisions the main element in a manager’s position. Decisions play a key role in determining both corporate and management practices.

A decision has described as an action course intended for the achievement of organizational or administrative objectives. The decision-making process is an essential factor in the management of every company or organization. Decisions have taken to support the operations and operation of all commercial activities.


Decisions to ensure organization’s or corporate priorities have taken at all levels of management. In order to guarantee maximum development and driveability in terms of resources and goods provided. Decision-makers often form one of the main functional principles that any company takes and implements.

Definition of Decision Making

The word decision-making, which has important in a society or organization. According to the Oxford Advanced Learner Dictionary, has the act of agreeing on something important.

Tools of Decision-making

There are many tools of decision making as given below.

Identify the Decision-making

You know you have to make a choice. Try to describe precisely the essence of your decision. This is a really critical first move.

Gather relevant information

Gather some relevant information before you make your choice. What information has required, how best to obtain it. And how to obtain it. This move entails “jobs” both in-house and outside. Any knowledge is internal. You are going to look for it in a self-evaluation process. Additional material is external. It is available online, in books, from others, and from other sources.

Identify the alternatives

You would possibly find a number of possible ways or alternatives. When collecting knowledge. You should also take advantage of the creativity and supplementary knowledge to build new solutions. In this step, you will list all alternatives that are feasible and attractive.

Weigh the evidence

Make use of the facts and feelings to visualize how things will feel. when both alternatives are implemented. Assess if, using each solution, the need defined in Stage 1 will fulfill or resolved. You will tend to favor those solutions when you go through this complicated internal process: those that seem to be able to achieve your target more effectively. Finally, priorities the alternatives, depending on your own belief structure

Choose among alternatives

If all the proof has been weighed, you are able to pick the right choice for you. You may also choose an alternate mix. It is very likely that your option in stage 5 will be the same or equivalent to the one you put at the end of phase 4 at the top of your list.

Take action of Decision-making

By starting to incorporate the alternate solution you selected in step 5 you are now able to take some constructive steps.

Review the effects of your decision

In this final stage, examine the outcome of your decision to see if they need you found in step 1 has been overcome. You will choose to replay certain procedure steps to take a new decision because the decision did not fulfill the stated need. You may, for example, choose to collect more precise details or something else or look at additional alternatives.

What is a freelancer and how does it work in freelancing


A freelancer is an independent worker who delivers services, frequently working with several clients simultaneously in a number of occupations.
Freelancers normally collect money per job, charging their jobs hourly or monthly rates. Usually, freelance work is short-term.

Although a self-employed person has not legally employed by any corporation, other companies may be subcontracted. Freelancers also work on several different jobs or assignments at once. Although some freelance agreements will constrain with which the freelancer can work before the assignment has completed.

The creative fields, such as graphic design, copywriting, web production, and photographing. There are some of the most traditional freelance jobs; however, freelancers can work in virtually any service industry such as translating, consultancy, or the catering industry.

Freelancer vs. sole trader


The term ‘self-employed’ applies like single traders to the general term. But while a single trader has a special corporate structure registered under the terms ‘self-employed. The word freelancer refers to no particular legal status. It applies instead to the kind of work performed.
Therefore, not all traders are from freelancer definitions, and not everyone is a freelancer. While freelancers have the single trader organization that is most popular. Freelancers can opt to file instead of as a limited corporation or association.

How to become a freelancer

You have first listed as a single trader when you start working by yourself. In order to pay the right income tax and insurance, you would need to register with HMRC as the only trader.
If you work as a contracting company or subcontractor in the building industry, you will even have to apply for: CIS; if you have annual sales of over £85,000 VAT.
You may have extra duties, such as selecting and filing business names, whether you file as a corporation or a limited company.

Pros and cons of freelance work

It is also necessary to assess the benefits and drawbacks of freelance jobs if you are thinking about being a freelance worker.

Any of the benefits of becoming an independent worker include:
Flexible working schedule: you will decide which work hours and set your own schedule for other obligations.
Selection and range: While workers often are told which of their customers to work with, they will choose the projects as a freelancer and have less exclusive to those markets or industries.
More control: you will set your own objectives and have more say in your business.

On the other hand, many inconveniences must be taken into account, including:
Less stability. Many freelancers have less financial protection and less future job certainty than employers because freelancing work requires sufficient customers.
Fewer perks:
certain businesses, such as pension schemes or health plans, owe their workers benefits. Independent employees are accountable for their own advantages and benefits.

Debitoor invoicing software for freelancers

As an independent, one of the most important tasks is to keep your finances on top. You can generate professional invoices, monitor your accounting system, and provide a quick snapshot of your cash balance with Debtor billing tools.

Debtor was primarily designed for the small enterprises, the sole traders and freelancers.

How to Choose the Perfect Blog Domain Name in 20 Minutes

Domain Name

Domain Name: I suppose you’re interested in starting your own blog because you’re reading that – that’s awesome! In this post, I will teach you how to choose the right blog name without having to locate it for days and hours.

At this point, believe me, you don’t want to waste any time. The right way to do this is NOW when you launch a blog. I want to help you pick your blogging niche’s best domain name. Just 20 minutes are required – read on!
I know it can be overwhelming to choose a name for your blog. The more you consider it, the more uncertain the decision you become.

All and all, it doesn’t really matter much about blog domain names.

The material you produce and how you promote it is important even more.
However, when you choose a domain name there are a few things to remember. I’m here to assist you with that.

Use a .com Domain Name For Your Blog

There are nowadays plenty of various domain names to use. Some of them actually perform well, but others just seem stupid and unprofessional.
Will you want to play it for a long time? Me too. Me too.
For that purpose, I suggest to purchase your first blog “.com” domain. You should simply recall them, they bring trust and integrity to your blog and they are the cheapest to enrol.

Domain Name

What’s the name of a domain? Start a step-by-step guide for startups to the WordPress site.
However, finding Address of the server that you like is often a little difficult. Only too websites still exist.
If this is the case, find domain instead and log it. That is the nearest you can reach, though it is better to locate one that is accessible since many .co domains are not licensed.

What is the Best Domain Name For My Blog?

Any domain name might be fine, but here are some points to look at when selecting the domain name of a blog:
Is remembering it easy? Is it attractive? Your blog followers should know what your second domain name is from.
Must you spell it out? It’s probably too daunting to write your Address of the server to someone. Don’t care about that. Don’t surpass it. You don’t want to let someone who asks how to navigate it online be spelled by letter.

It’s singular? Select a blog and an Address of the server that shows who you are as a blogger and as a person. Make it singular and be imaginative! Remember, in order to become a writer, you must stand out from the crowds!
However, do not try to waste too much time picking your blog’s dream Title of the network. For more information visit on the web.

How can I create blogging to make money on a website?

How to start blogging

Getting started with blogging may seem like a bit of a minefield, especially if you don’t have much tech experience.
You have two key choices when it comes to actually set up a blog. You can use a free blogging tool, or you can build your own website. We’ll walk you through both, and outline their pros and cons. So you can make the right decision for yourself and your blog.

Free blog platforms

Casual writers and others who don’t want their blog to make money.
Fully fast and fully free to set up.
You also can’t place any advertisements or use partner links to create a custom URL and your site reserves. The ability to uninstall your blog, limitations on video/image uploads, and customization.

Many platforms allow you to free of charge build a blog and they are very easy to use. If you just want to blog casually at first, it may be right for you.
However, free blogging sites can be rather restrictive. You can only customize your blog to a small degree and have a stock cap that can make. It hard to upload big videos and pictures.

Another inconvenience is that the site URL would be somehow like the platform calling “”
Moreover, banner ads or affiliate links on your pages. Which are important revenue sources for most bloggers do not allow your most free blogging platforms.
If, though, you don’t bother about these matters, the best online blogging sites are quickly uncovered.

Best blogging sites

blogging -It’s a free and easy-to-use generic blog hosting service. If not you pay the subscription fee and can’t place advertisements on your blog. You must add WordPress ads and brand. The customization and expansion opportunities are also minimal.

Blogger The free hosting service of the Google forum, Blogger, is very easy to use. However, customization and interface choices are very small, and if you want to add new elements. There are not many options.

Medium The concentration is on publishing, not architecture, and many authors, writers, and experts use it. This is an excellent method for communicating your work with any community. But there are no commercials and the development of your own professional branding is challenging.

Blog How is The Most Profitable Niches and Earning?

Popular Blog Niches

Blog: These aren’t, of course, the only ones from which you might make amazing money. There are bloggers on almost any subject you might think of with popular blogs.

Perhaps no idea of the sound we saw was good for you. Don’t get into a blog about something that you don’t like. Here are a few more excellent choices to try. They are all capable of gaining plenty of money

Crafts Blog

Why not blog about it if you enjoy knitting, painting, sewing, making joy, or engaging in some kind of craft? There are several fantastic skillful blogs out there, and on Pinterest they seem to do really well.

You’ve got to be able to provide fantastic images, including other extremely visual niches such as beauty, lifestyles, and travel. You can monetize with affiliate links to any tool or supply you choose to support or sell your crafts through a market like Etsy.

DIY Blog

Do you want your house to be decorated and renovated? Or you could have gone ahead and renovated your house or even reconstructed it. There are several DIY sites, and this can be a perfect way to explore blogging if you want to write tutorials.


Do you have children? Did you get children? There are thousands of websites discussing all kinds of diverse perspectives on parenthood. Although the market might already be full of mom bloggers, it is so great to consider the audience of the parenting site.


You will want a simple angle to make your parenting blog stick out. You can write for a parents’ phase (such as parents’ children) or write about a specific group of parents (like older parents or teen parents).


Are you familiar with a subject and can you tell others about it? For you this could become a big niche.
You could be an avid amateur photographer, for example, and you might write extensive guides to beginners. Or maybe you are an accomplished developer and can give advice about how to code for people

Sites that educate people to do things can be monetized almost often by offering ebooks, online training, or other knowledge items. You can also build and sell your blog posts and create a serious dough online course.

Food Blog

We must all eat! Food blogs can be very common. You will almost definitely share your recipes in this niche, so you’ll want to take pictures that make your food look amazing.

We must all eat! Food blogs can be very common. You will almost definitely share your recipes in this niche, so you’ll want to take pictures that make your food look amazing.
Again, it allows you to have a certain perspective or region in the wider niche that your blog focuses on. Maybe you can write about fast and simple foods that taste wonderful or gluten-free or milk-free.
The announcement, membership ties, or your own Receptory Book may all be perfect ways to pay for your food blog.

System Project Report Online Student Registration

Introduction System Project Report

System Project Report is a basic device that helps both pupils and school bodies. Both operations have performed manually in the new setup. It takes a lot of time and is expensive. The different tasks relating to students have included in our student management system.

System Project Report

This program consists primarily of 3 modules.
Modulus user.
Module for students.
Module for Mark Management.

We will log in to the Software as a user and the user, student, and manager of two forms. The administrative administrator is able to install new users and can edit and uninstall an account. A student can register as a user, add and remove the profile of the student. The manager will apply markers for the student and remove them. The traces have used by all users.

System Analysis

System analytics has a systematic analysis of the different processes carried out inside. And beyond the system and its relationships. The main question here is. What are the current system’s problems?. To fix the dilemma. What must be done?.

In the course of the review of the results. The reports, decision points, and transactions handled by this method had gathered. Data flow diagrams, interviews, etc are the most common methods in the framework. For the collection of the relevant information necessary to create a method. Training, expertise, and common sense have required.

The study of systems can be classified into four parts.
Planning of system and initial inquiry.
Information collection. Information collection.
Apply standardized analytical tools.
Review of Facility.
Analysis of cost/benefit.

In the method, we already maintain a set of documents relating to the student. And want to manually input the student’s data and labels. In this scheme, the teacher or the school authority just looks at the student’s mark. And has to access the student’s information. It takes time and costs a great deal.

Proposed System

We are able to add the specifics of the students in our proposed scheme. The school authorities and teachers’ overhead is also decreasing. Another benefit of the scheme being that editing the student’s data. Deleting a student as considered to be unnecessary is quite simple. The student’s marks have included in the database. So that they can display their marks anytime they choose.

There are some benefits of our suggested scheme.
Pleasant interface for users.
Rapid client usage.
A slight mistake.
More space for storage.
Facilities for search.
Environmental Look and Feel.
Fast contract. Fast transaction.

The computerization has corrected all manual problems in handling student information at school or college.

How is the Basic Knowledge Management Perspective?

Knowledge Management

Knowledge Management: The author has identified over 100 published Control of information definitions in an informal study. Which at least 72 have considered having very strong. Clearly, KM is an extensive multidisciplinary area of research. This has not unexpected because experience has essential to most business practices. It should not be surprising.

However, KM has affected by the syndrome of Three Blind Men and an Elephant. In particular, more than three different viewpoints on KM are likely to occur. Each leading to a different extrapolation and definition.

Knowledge Management Business Perspective

To treat the information aspect of a company as an explicit business issue that reflects strategy, policies. Practices at all levels of the organization and to link the intellectual resources of a business with positive business performance. both explicitly (recorded) and tacitly (personal know-how).

The management of knowledge represents a joint and organized approach to creating, capturing, organizing, accessing, and using the intellectual property of a firm.

knowledge Science Perspective

The basic resource that enables one to behave intelligently is knowledge — the observations, understandings, and realistic knowledge we all have. Substantial awareness has often translated into other manifestations of organizations of all sorts and into the culture in general, including books, computers, practice, and rituals. These changes lead to a cumulative [sic] expertise and improve efficacy when applied correctly. Knowledge is, if not THE, the main thing that enables smart action by people, organizations, and society.

Knowledge Management Technology Perspective:

The principle of knowledge administration consists of transforming information into practical knowledge. Enabling those who may apply it to be readily accessible.

A consistent way to manage information and ensure an accurate and effective decision making process in the day-to-day business knowledge flow to the right person in time.

A Knowledge Management System is a virtual information archive essential to the everyday activities of corporate information employees.

How is the basic Physical Layer Introduction and signals

Physical Layer

Physical Layer is the only OSI network model layer that deals with two stations. The job of communicating with the real structure of hardware and signaling is to play the OSI model physical layer. This layer specifies the device, cables, cables, frequencies, pulses for binary signals, etc.

The physical layer offers the data-link layer facilities, Layer data links frames. The physical layer transforms them from a binary to an electric pulse. This has then transferred to binary information through wired or wireless media.


Before transmitting the data through a physical medium. It must first convert to electromagnetic signals. Data alone can be analogous to a human voice, or digital to a disc file. Analog and digital data have displayed either with digital or analog signals.

Digital Signals

The digital signals reflect a distinct existence and voltage pulse series. In the operating system circuits, digital signals have used.

Analog Signals

Analog signalling has in the form of a continuous wave which is expressed by electromagnetic waves.

Transmission Impairment

They appear to deteriorate as signals pass through the medium. There may be several reasons:

Attenuation of Physical Layer

The signal has to be high enough for the recipient to perceive the data correctly. The signal is weaker as it goes through the medium. It loses power by covering distance.


If the signal passes through the media. It continues to overlap and scatter. Depending on the used frequency, the sum of dispersion.

Delay distortion

Signals with predefined speed and frequency are transmitted over media. There are possibilities for signals that enter destinations arbitrarily where the signal speed and frequency do not match. This is really important in new media that certain bits hit faster than historically sent.

Physical Layer

Noise of Physical Layer

Random analog or digital signal interference or variation is considered to be signal noise. Which could obscure the real data being transmitted. In one of the following classes, noise can be characterized.

Thermal Noise

Heat stirs a medium’s electrical conductors and can inject noise into the media. Thermal noise is inevitable to a certain extent.

What is the basic Computer Network Security

Computer Network Security

Computer Network Security: In the beginning, the Internet was used for research and development purposes exclusively by the military and universities. Then the data used in transportation via the public transport network fuse together to form the internet. Common people can submit highly sensitive information including their bank information, user and password, personal records, online shopping information, or confidential documents.

Computer Network Security

All security attacks are deliberate, i.e. only if caused deliberately. The risks to security can be broken down into the following categories:

Interruption of Computer Network Security

Interruption represents a challenge to security that attacks access to infrastructure. For instance, a user cannot access his web server or the web server is hidden.


A user’s privacy is affected by this attack. An individual, not the approved person accesses or intercepts the data sent or retrieved by the authenticated original recipient.

The integrity of Computer Network Security

This threat comes when a real person acts as an intruder or a security violator, who accesses services or connects with other genuine users.
No technology can provide 100 percent safety in today’s environment. However, action may has taken to protect data during travel via unsecured internet or networks. Cryptography is the most common method.

Cryptography is a simple-text data encryption method that makes understanding and interpreting difficult. There are several currently available cryptographic algorithms, as outlined below:

Secret Key

Public Key

Message Digest

Secret Key Encryption

There has one hidden key, both sending and receiving. Used for encryption of the data at the end of the transmitter. After encrypting the data, the data has transmitted to the recipient on the public domain. The data packets can quickly have decrypted since the recipient knows and has the Secret Key.

Data Encryption Standard is an example of secret encryption key (DES). In secret key encryption, each host on the Network needs a different key that makes manageable.

Public Key Encryption

Per consumer has its own Secret Key and is not in the public domain on this encryption scheme. Never in the public domain has the hidden key exposed. Each consumer has its own but public key, in addition to the hidden key. Public keys have often published and used for encryption by senders. Using its own secret key, the user can easily decrypt the encrypted files.

The Rivest Shamir-Adleman Public Key Encryption (RSA)..

Message Digest

This approach does not send real files, but rather calculates a hash value and sends them. The other end-user calculates his/her own hash value and compares it with the previous one. When the two hash values have matched, it will be accepted; refused otherwise.

Message Digest example is MD5 haze. The user’s password has usually verified for security with the one that is stored on the server.